Monday, April 11, 2011

Tahini a.k.a Sesame Paste

Here's a freakishly easy and versatile (in my opinion, because my opinion counts...sometimes) recipe. Tahini can be used on sandwiches, it can be a component of hummus, dressing, desserts if you're feeling adventurous, etc...

Below is an unflattering photo:


2 cups sesame seeds
1 large lemon
2-3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp miso paste (optional)


Throw sesame seeds, garlic, salt, pepper, and a little water in a blender. Then lemon zest and juice and blend add water until smooth.

Food factoid: If you want dressing, add chingos of water until it reaches the consistency of salad dressing.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cilantro, grapefruit, and pineapple smoothie

I made this smoothie on this rainy Monday morning and it rocked my face. Sounds weird, but its a refreshing way to start the day.


1 bunch fresh cilantro
1-2 small grapefruits
pineapple chunks
2 tbsp. agave nectar
1 tsp. spirulina powder (CAVEAT: This will stain your kitchen counter. Scoop with caution.)
a splash of water


Throw cilantro, pineapple chunks, agave nectar, water, and spirulina in a blender. Then peel grapefruit (obviously) and add to the other ingredients. Blend until smooth. Refrigerate for 5-10 minutes and drink up, buttercup.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Portobello Pizza....nom, nom, nom....

I found this recipe on the Vegetarian Times website and tweeked it a bit. I'm typically a bread slore, but decided to give this recipe a go. Pardon any grammatical coma.


4-5 portobello mushrooms
2-3 scallions
1/2 red bell pepper
kalamata olives
fresh spinach
mozzarella or mozzarella substitute


Clean the mushrooms for obvious reasons. Then cut the stems off the caps, chop the stems and place in a bowl. Chop scallions, red bell pepper, and kalamata olives - mix in same bowl with the mushroom stems. Preheat oven at 400 degrees. Place mushrooms caps gill side up on a baking sheet and spoon pesto on said mushroom caps. Arrange fresh spinach, mixture, mozzarella, mixture, then mozzarella (Yes, in that order. Just do it!). Sprinkle oregano on top and bake for about 15 minutes or until the mozzarella is melted.

Here is a visual aid:
Nom, nom, nom.....
SAFETY TIP: Don't burn yourself.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Gangsta Style" Pasta Sauce

Yeah, you can buy pasta sauce out of a jar, but that's not the point. Its more convenient to get jar pasta, but not as good as home made. My boyfriend showed me how to make this "gangsta style" and its not that difficult to prepare. On a side note, this sauce freezes really well.

WARNING: If you don't like cooking how you feel, then this isn't the recipe for you. And don't burn yourself.


2-3 Roma tomatoes
2-3 small cans of tomato paste
1 bottle of red wine (anything but merlot)
onion or shallots
basil (optional)
olive oil


Step 1: Pour a glass of wine and take a sip. Then heat some olive oil in a large pan and add the cans of tomato paste. As the tomato paste is heating up, finish your glass of wine and slice roma tomatoes. Place roma tomatoes and minced garlic into pan with tomato paste. Like so:

Pour another glass of wine and take a sip. After you have a fairly good buzz, start mincing some onion or shallots and add to pan. Let everything cook for about 15 min. enough to finish your second galss of wine(also make sure it doesn't burn). After you're done with your glass, take a masher and start mashing the crap out of the tomatoes. Mash them good, don't be a pansy! No more wine for you! Pour about a cup in the pan to start with.

Add a little bit more wine and a little water. Then sprinkle in some sugar, stir, sprinkle some more. This is the point where the tomfoolery is out of my hands and its all you. Add salt, pepper, oregano to taste. Keep stiring...adding wine, water, and spices to suit your taste buds. Pour on your favorite pasta or use it to make lasagna.

GLUTEN FREE TIP: Ancient Harvest Quinoa Pasta is excellent!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Raw Vegan Jalapeno Devil Dip

My work cohort and I decided to bring some snackage to work for St. Patty's Day. One of the items on the grazing menu was an experimental vegan version of my cohert's ranch jalapeno (crack/devil) dip. Some work peeps asked for the recipe, a few said it was like crack, hence this post and the creation of this blog.

Please note that I will typically leave out portions for some of the ingredients. Its a "cook how you feel" thing.


1 cup of raw cashews
1 even table spoon of white miso (Note: miso is a soy paste)
1 lemon
1-2 small cans of diced jalapenos


Soak cashews in water for 1-2 hours. This will help make the dip smoother. Throw the white miso, lemon juice, jalapenos, cilantro, salt, and garlic into a blender or food processor. Then drain cashews and add to the rest of the mixture. As the ingredients are blending together, start adding some water until the dip is somewhat thick and smooth. Place in the fridge for about 30 min. to an hour.

Fun factoid: This can also be used to make rach dressing (someone that rides the bus with me gave me the ranch dressing recipe. Credit where credit is due). Just take out the jalapenos and cilantro - maybe add some onion salt and alot more water.


Friday, November 12, 2010